Monday, January 19, 2009
Tough Times
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The flip side:
This post is going to be in deep contrast with my last post. That’s life after all, its paradoxical .
When in my life I will get some sense of the people. Again I was wrong to keep trust in few people around me. Will there be any end to such mistakes? I am not sure. But one thing is for sure that there is still to learn a lot in life and may be a full lifetime will not suffice for the same. Interesting thing is that some of them (people around) are too smart or they think they are. After everything is over they will ask again and again that too very innocently “Are you ok?” . Lolz . What the hell kind of creatures I am dealing with who can’t even keep their words. Yes, I am perfectly fine and will be even if all of them are not around. Well one of them told a very good thing that there is always a first time and yes I should take it, accept it and learn. But one thing I am happy about is that I have learnt enough from life not to be affected by things happening around or even havocs. Let it come its own way, I am ready for it and as always and I am happy with myself.
Now again I am on the same question “Who am I?”
Friday, October 10, 2008
This is the time I am realizing that each one of has a lot of things inside, waiting to come out, may be waiting for their turn. Yeas I am going to talk about the recent sport fever at NMIMS, the Dandiya and the trip spree . Everyone wants to do everything and they do when they get any chance to do. This is the thing too amazing to me that the guy you may think as the “geekest of geek” can dance like monkeys on a volleyball court after a nice shot and can do bhangda on dandiya music, or for that matter people come forward together holding hands to put a great show keeping aside all the assignments or the panic market situations happening around.
The objective here is many folded, say - to relieve from stress, having some fun, some time pass, workout but the most important I think is again the “sense of achievement” of learning something new by doing it properly and making it the best shot. Making the best everywhere is the fundamental habit of all of us that’s why we are heading towards something great. Life will bring for sure many more situations in the form of competition, appraisal, presentation for VC funding on professional front. Also on personal front it will bring low days, anger and many more things. Probably this all what we are doing now, will help to remember the “TRUE ME” and move forward with the same strength and drive we have now and also we will be able to pass it to others, who do or will matter for us.
This is the spirit which is there in each one of us and helps us to live and lead a happy, great, memorable and achieving life. I will name it a “Life of Significance”. The only thing lacking I can say is the sense of initiative or coordinating & that is totally ok as it brings a lot of responsibility and every one can’t commit the same. But even then if given a chance they can perform and that too beyond expectations. It reminds me some how the movie RDB. Ending on the note that God give us many more such days and events to cherish.
Looking forward to the Sunday trip.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who am I.... ?????

Do I really know myself...?
Or.. some one in this whole world ..has any idea ... what for I am here?
I don't know.. Nor they..
So, there are some people I met at every moment of my life .
Yes, some said : They got me well and I also thought that they did so.. but Alas!! I was again alone..
Why?.. Will I ever get some people in life whom I can say they love whatever I do and more important they know "Why I do so?"
In this hope I am meeting each one coming in my contact with full open heart but I think every one doesn't appreciate that .. probably it's our nature not to be ok with a lot of happenings around...
But I think some times it becomes difficult to smile, to show that I am happy though I am probably not.
Every time it is becoming very difficult to respond with a smile.
Why should I wear a mask?
Can't I tell that "I hate you."
Can't I say " I don't give a Damn!!!!!"
Probably, I have some weaknesses...
I was not that weak some times back.
I think I want some things unwanted.
That's the paradoxical life I am carrying and trying to cope up with.
I know.. I will not be able to carry it much, so I will try to gather to try some strength and speak LOUD.....again and ... I will be true to My self...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My first Ever post...The truly Unforgettable..